The Book of Magic
The Book of Magic describes the various ways to use magic, and those who are resistant to metaphysics. Each of the sources listed are mage sources and effect mana pool. A victim may only have one mage source.
Those who are called magi, are those who practice the rites of sorcery and the magiks of the ancients. Magi travel from the Old Kingdoms to the the Earth's far reaches to find scraps of the lost empire of the ancient ones. The ancients had mastered sorcery, it is said, and used it to buid and maintian their empire. The magi of today know a small fraction of that power.
Magi Talents
A magi will often practice more than one talent, although there are many who choose to speacialize in one or two. The five talents are dream, illusion, time, divination and summoning. A victim with a level in magi must select one of these talents upon the purchase of the level. Additional talents may be purchased with later levels. The sage lore of the talent is listed beside the name.
Dream Onieromancy
Dream magic can effect the realm known as dreamscape, but has few effects in the waking world.
-K.O. (adjust any K.O. modifier at one point per pool spent).
-Enter Dreamscape (spell DoS equals the CL of target).
-Effect Dreamscape (may mimic any other mana source while in a dreamscape)
-Nightmare (pool to hit will damage Int and Wis)
Divination Scry
Divination is the art of deciphering the possible futer. A diviner is often a student of several distinct ways of augry, from stones to weather patterns.
-Precognition (may give a temporary bonus to Dex or Per).
-Find (may locate things, range equals DoS in meters).
-Translate (may give a temporary bonus to languages).
-Read (may find out information, one question for every 5 DoS)
Illusion Optimancy
Illusionists excel at bewildering the senses. Illusion can hide objects and persons, or make fake ones from the air.
-Unvisiblity (may give a temporary bonus to stealth).
-Illusion (DoS equals the difficulty to disbelieve, may not cause damage)
-Message (may send a message, DoS equals range in meters)
-Nightmare (pool to hit will damage Int and Wis).
-Flash/Shadow (pool to hit will damage Per).
Summoning Invomancy
Summoners learn the incantations to bring things to them, creatures and items. Note that which is summoned will return at the end of the duration (rounds equal DoS, may be maintained).
-Control (add half invomancy modifier to control modifier, round down).
-Summon Inanimate (DoS equals maximum weight).
-Summon Creature (DoS equals maximum CL of summoned creatures).
-Summon Sentient (DoS must equal or beat the target's CL).
Time Chronomancy
Chronomancers bend time to their will. Things can be spend up or slowed down at a chronomancer's disgretion, depending on its need.
-Speed (may give a temporary bonus to Dex or Fl Dex).
-Stasis (may stop the passage of time on a target, one round for every 5 DoS).
-Age (pool to hit damages Stm).
Multiple Talents
An additional talent may be purchased with a mage level, this will cost 5 xp more than normal.
A magyver does not use conventional magics, if they choose to use magic at all. Instead they focus on learning and honing their reasoning skils. A magyver can be counted upon to achieve nearly any mundane task with a high degree of skill.
Starting Level
4 knowledge points, +2 to all knowledge checks. This is instead of the standard mage starting level.
Level Advancement
2 knowledge points, +1 to all knowledge checks. This is instead of standard level advancement.
Those who are unable to cast magic are called mundanes. Their inablity to use magic gives them a resilience towards the metaphysical. For many adventurers, this frees them to broaden the subjects they research.
Starting Level
7 knowldge points, 1 weapon use point, +2 magical stamina. This is instead of the standard mage starting levels.
Level Advancement
4 knowledge points, +1 magical stamina.
Mundanes may never have a mana pool regardless of how it may be obtained.
Sekite lore originates from the underworld, their talents are often brutal and usually deadly. Often called the dark arts, sekite knowledge is often sought out and destroyed, its practitioners considered suspicious or outright evil. The sekite talents are death, war, famine and pestilence.
Sekite Talents
A victim must select a sekite talent with each starting mage level, or when purchasing a first level in mage. A victim may purchase additional talents with further mage levels.
Death Necromancy
A necromancer uses the energies of death effect the dead and destroy the living. Of all the talents, it is the most condemmed by the people of the Old Kingdoms.
-Kill (pool to hit damages wound pool, necromancy mod equals unsoakable).
-Heal Undead (replenish an undead's wound pool by DoS).
-Increase Damage (pool spent will add a temporary damage modifier to a weapon, 2 pool will add a temporary unsoakable modifier).
Famine Cryomancy
A practitioner of cryomancy excels at weakening the target to oblivion. Cryomancers are the cause of much of the people's dislike for sekites.
-Weaken (pool to hit will damage Stm and Str).
-Disenchant (pool to hit will damage item's stm and bonuses).
-Cripple (pool to hit will damage Dex).
Pestilence Cadramancy
The pestilence talent is one of the most natural, but sickening, of the sekite talents. Cadramancers specialize in the breaking down of their tagets, reducing them to nothing peice by peice.
-Immunity to Disease (add the cadramancy modifier when rolling a war against a disease).
-Summon Vermin (swarm's stats equal DoS, cadramancy modifier equals the swarms unsoakable).
-Shapeshift, Vermin (DoS 40, add cadramancy modifier to soak, Fl Dex, and unsoakable).
-Rot (pool to hit will damage wound pool).
-Steal Item (DoS must equal target's Stm, the source of the item becomes sekite, the item's effect are unchanged).
War Psychomancy
Most subtle of all the sekite talents, psychomancers effect their target's mind. They take over the psyche, bending them to their will.
-Telepathy (DoS equals number of targets that may be communicated with).
-Migrane (pool to hit will damage Int and Wis).
-Tormment (pool to hit will damage Man).
-Control (if successful, caster may control one action for each psychomancy modifier of the caster).
Additional Talents
Additional talents may be purchased when buying a mage level, which will cost five additional xp. A victim may purchase all four sekite talents.
The practitioners who harness the elements are referred to as shamans by many in the Old Kingdom. Shamans are more widely accepted than magi or sekites, but they are still treated with mistrust due to their spellcasting. The talents of a shaman are the five elements; air, earth, fire, water and aether.
Shaman Talents
A shaman must select a talent upon purchasing a mage level. Additional talents may be purchased when buying mage levels.
Air Aeromancy
Air shamans use the wind to assist them. It is one of the most subtle of the shamanic talents, but useful in many ways.
-Speed (may give a temporary modifier to Dex and Fl Dex).
-Silence (range equals DoS in meters).
-Hear (may give a temporary modifier to Int or Per).
-Wall, Air (DoS equals legnth in meters and Str, wall causes a throw attack, aeromancy modifier equals unsoakable).
Earth Geomancy
Geomancers manipulate solid rock, sand and metal into new forms or as weapons. Many dwarves are geomancers, but they are not uncommon elsewhere.
-Solidify (may give a temporary modifier to soak).
-Crush (may give a temporary modifier to Str, unsoakable equals geomancy modifer if unarmed).
-Alter, Earth (may permamently modify inamimate object's stats, equal to DoS).
-Wall, Earth (DoS equals length in meters and Stm, wall can soak unsoakable equal to caster's goemancy modifier).
Fire Pyromancy
Pyromancy is the most dstructive of the talents of the shaman, harnessing fire to burn anyting that opposes.
-Burn (may add the burning rule to any weapon, unsoakable equals pyromancy modifier if unarmed).
-Blast (pool to hit will damage wound pool, unsoakable equals pyromancy modifier).
-Ignite (may add a temporary damage modifier to a weapon equal to DoS, unsoakable equals caster's pyromancy modifier).
-Wall, Fire (DoS equals length in meters and Str, burning, unsoakable equals caster's pyromancy modifier).
Water Hydromancy
The talent of water is the most widely accepted of any talent in the mountains and deserts, but they tend to stay near coastal areas. Hydromancy is a diverse talent, like the waves.
-Augry (may give a temporary modifier to Dex and Wis).
-Calm (may give a temporary modifier to Chr and Int).
-Create, Water (DoS equals amount in leters).
-Wall, Water (pool to hit, K.O., hydromancy modifier equals unsoakable, damage done to wounds, temporary Dex damage).
Aether Vivomancy
Aether is the element of the soul and, in its raw state, lightning. Soul shamans have the ability to heal, but their powers are likened to necromancy and considered unnatural.
-Heal (target replenishes wounds equal to DoS, caster gains wounds equal to their vivomancy modifier).
-Lightning (pool to hit will damage wound pool, K.O., unsoakable equals vivomancy modifier).
-Disrupt (pool to hit will damage mech pool, K.O., unsoakable equals vivomancy modifier).
-Wall (DoS equals length in meters and Str, K.O., unsoakable equals vivomancy modifier).
Additional Talents
Additional talents may be purchased with a mage level for +5 xp. A victim may purchase all five shaman talents.
Next up: The Book of Faith ;)
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